Explore our gallery to see the amazing results Dr. Eduardo Lopez has achieved! To learn more about our dental services and schedule your appointment with our dentist in Yorktown, Virginia, we invite you to call York River Dental today at 757-969-1356.

Case 1: Patient needed a crown following root canal treatment. A large silver filling was replaced and a new crown on the tooth was made for the patient.


Case 2: Patient chipped an old filling off her front tooth. A new filling was bonded and the patient was thrilled to have it fixed the same day




Case 3: Patient fractured part of her tooth and wanted to save the tooth if possible. A conservative crown was placed on the tooth to stabilize and save the tooth.




Case 4: During a new patient exam, our team detected a cavity underneath an old filling. The old filling was replaced with a tooth-colored filling.




Dental Crown Case 5: A new porcelain crown was made after the patient requested to have their front crown replaced because of the color.




Composite Dental Filling Case 6: The patient’s old filling came out when flossing. A new tooth colored filling was placed with the help of our isolation system




Composite Dental Filling Case 7:  The patient’s old filling broke when he was eating. A new tooth colored filling was placed and allowed the patient to eat, pain-free




Composite Dental Filling Case 8: A cavity was found during a new patient exam. With the help of our isolation system, a tooth colored filling was placed.




Get in Touch With Us Today

Dr. Lopez and our team are proud to provide comprehensive dental care in Yorktown, Virginia, and the surrounding areas, including Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson and Williamsburg. When you visit York River Dental, you can expect to receive our full attention as we work with you to help you achieve and maintain a healthy mouth and smile. Your health, smile and comfort are our highest priorities, and we will go the extra mile to help you feel at ease and provide you with the high-quality dental care you need. Contact us today to schedule your personal consultation with our dentist!